Wednesday, 29 July 2015


Why do we do so many diet studies on mice when they appear to be so biologically different to humans in this study?


Why don't more ketogenic diet studies acknowledge the importance of omega 3 fatty acids like this one?

Friday, 24 July 2015

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Waxworms on a ketogenic diet.

Postprandial blood glucose and blood ketones after consuming 75g of waxworms. Rather interesting! 

Monday, 20 July 2015

This evening's blood tests

Omega 3, 6, blood glucose and blood ketones. 

Cannabinoids and brain cancer

Fascinating stuff, today has been productive. I enjoyed my visit to St. George's University Hospital. Playing an active role in the future of cancer research as a patient is incredibly rewarding in many ways. Dr. Wai Liu has been working on some impressive research into cannabinoids for brain cancer. 

More data is needed for this research and I aim to try my best to learn more and to speed up this process. I will provide more details in the near future. 

We discussed at length the potential of a combination of cannabinoids alongside a well structured, restricted ketogenic diet. I gained a lot from today and Dr. Liu thought that what I am doing with my adapted ketogenic diet is very interesting. 

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Cannabinoids- clinical trials

Slightly nervous about tomorrow.

I will be meeting with Dr.Wai Liu at St Georges University Hospital in the morning to discuss funding specific clinical trials into cannabis oil + a restrictive ketogenic diet for patients with glioblastoma brain tumours. It is all looking fairly promising from the correspondence I have had over the last few weeks. I find his work over the past decade very impressive and encouraging.

Moving forward, this research is incredibly important for countless individuals with terminal, incurable cancer of all types however there is a growing need for more data as we progress. Recent amendments to the Psychoactive Substances Bill will allow for greater freedom for more specialised research into cannabinoids for cancer management so I believe we must strike while the iron is hot as there is currently a heightened sense of awareness for the great potential of Dr. Liu's work.

I feel a huge sense of responsibility for a lot of people, including families who are still grieving, hoping others don't have to go through such unimaginable loss, and for others who are still fighting to manage 'incurable' cancer indefinitely. I have experienced loss, however I have also seen many remarkable things and met some truly extraordinary individuals.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Today has been a fun day with food

Lots of cooking and experimenting today! 

My wax worms came today. I'll enjoy eating them tomorrow with breakfast and breeding some in the near future. They're high in fat and great for ketogenic diets (yes, they were alive in this picture):

Analysing insect nutrition is always very interesting. This is from Daniella Martin's brilliant book 'Edible'. 

I also got some fantastic quality lamb hearts for only 73p each. Very fatty and delicious. 

For lunch today I had sweetbreads. After preparing and cooking them so many times I think I've finally perfected it.: 

For those not in the know, this is what sweetbreads are: 

This food always brings my ketones up fast and stabilises blood glucose very effectively. I made a video as to why I think this might be. Here is the link:

Tomorrow morning I will eat the wax worms and take pictures (might even film it).